

This is just a quickie to say that my biopsy came back benign....I DON'T have cancer! woot! They said it was basically a derma something fibroid. A fatty tumor. Gross, but as long as I don't have cancer, I'm a happy, happy girl!! Thanks to everyone for their well wishes!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

"horray" indeed! :D sorry, i couldn't resist. but that is REALLY great news. whew!!

9:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you are OK:) We miss having dinner with you, but it's good to be able to read your blogs and see all the cool pics. Can't wait till you come back!

9:43 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I believe the technical term is "dermatofibroma ;)" Kevin just had one diagnosed on his arm. No kidding. He doesn't need to have it removed and, according to the doctor, it will go away in a few years. Now Kevin has even more in common with "wife #2!"

4:33 PM  

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