
First Low-Key Weekend in Two Months

For the past nine weeks or so, I've been travelling out of town or had signifcant events that consumed my two days off each week. This weekend, though, I was very happy that I didn't have ANYTHING to do! Well, I didn't have any plans or things I had to do. Saturday I was downtown and came across some ajummas and adjoshis (older women and men) drumming and dancing in the park. Les and I went to check it out, and I was suckered into dancing with them. It was fun until they gave me a bite of food and a shot of soju and THEN asked me for money. All I had was man won (10,000won; about $10) notes, so I gave one of them expecting change. The change I got was a "Oooh! Very good!" from the ajumma and a big smile. Sigh. Oh well. I like to think that my man won is going to support the ajumma and adjoshi merry-making association of downtown Seoul. We'll see if I'm offered an honorary membership....

Sunday Les and I spent some time at his local playground trying our balance out on the slackline. A slackline is a long piece of nylong webbing stretched tight through a system of carabiner pulleys. It's friggin' hard! But, after a few hours I finally managed to stand up on the darn thing--major accomplishment for me! Throughout the afternoon, we attracted several groups of small children who were amazed at our ability to walk across a "tightrope" like people in the circus. And when I say "our ability" I really mean Les's ability--like I said, I spent a few hours just trying to stand up on it. But thankfully, Les was quick with the camera and snapped photographic evidence before I fell off.


Blogger Les said...

A slack-star is born! Good work this weekend Nic. And any more scratching at those stitches and we'll have to find you a cone or something.

10:01 AM  

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