
The Last of "The Last..."

I have to say this...I've been busting at the seams the past few days...

I am moving to Seoul. That is all. I am not dying. I am not undergoing some experimental surgical procedure. I am not leaving never to return. I am moving. So please, please, please do not refer to our interactions this week as "the last time." Frankly, it's creeping me out, and I think those statements are full of bad energy. Rather than saying good-bye, please say "take care and I will see you when you get back" or "farewell until I come out and visit you." Things like that are much more positive. I certainly don't want to turn my move into something small--I know it's not. But I also know that I will return.

Soooo....on that note...anyone want to help me with the daunting task of stuffing a year's worth of clothes into a duffel bag and a backpack?


Hell Has Frozen Over

It is official...Hell truly has frozen over because I, Nicole-I-can-justify-any-purchase, am officially sick of shopping.

Yes, you read that correctly. I have shopped, shopped, and shopped until I cannot stand the thought of shopping anymore. I really didn't think it was possible, but after shopping for vitamins, tampons, deodorant, over the counter medication, shoes, bras, thongs, socks, pants, button-down shirts, cat carriers approved for airline in-cabin travel...I have reached my breaking point. Fortunately I only have a FEW more things still to buy.

Only 9 more days to get it all done....!!!


The Countdown Begins

As of this morning, I depart for Korea in 22 days. I have so much to prepare in the meantime! Miami needs her International Certificate of Health, I need to figure out how I'm going to transfer the money I make back home (with the fewest/cheapest transfer fees), I need to get lots of shopping done, I need to make a list of all the medications (prescription and over the counter) I'm bringing and why so Customs doesn't steal from me, AND I need to try to find some time to relax and regroup. Heh. But if there's one thing grad school has taught me, it's that EVERYTHING always gets done...not quite sure how, but it all gets done in the end!