LNY: Hotel WhatHaveYous
After a 4 or 5 hour nap in our pension, we were awakened by the teeny ajumma banging on our door telling us that we had to go. I guess 30 bucks doesn't buy a late checkout. We grabbed a bus up to our hotel, Hotel Sorak Park. The best way to describe the hotel is to say it's the hotel from "The Shining." No lie. Not even a little white one. In all honesty, we were at the deserted mountain resort hotel with no one and nothing around. Things even got a little...*crazy*.
Shan and I have the obligatory girl pillow fight (we felt we owed it to the boys). Les, Shan, and Gilles play more frisbee on our putting green patio, Les and I enjoy a "hot tub," and I practice yoga on the bed in near darknes. Big Papa Geoff probably said it best when he yawned on the window sill. Good times. Good times.
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